Friday, June 15, 2012


Hi there, Blog Readers!  Long time no chat, eh?  Did you miss me?  I sure did miss you!  I had a shitty commute home from work today, so I decided upon my (delayed) arrival home that I would go to the pool with a to-go-jug-of-wine (ok, it wasn't a "jug" so much as a "mug", but whatever), go for a swim, soak up some evening sun and unwind.

this is SO much better than sitting on 66.

Disguiser of Wine.

I have achieved a state of unwound and would say I am, well, not quite drunk, but really, really happy.  Happy, happy, happy.  I love my pool.  Last weekend I had wonderful friends over to swim in my pool (ha ha: "my" pool) and I'm hoping to do the same again this weekend.  Why did I waste all of those years worrying about what I looked like in a bathing suit?  That was dumb.  I plan to make up for it by swimming AS MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE for the rest of the summer.

(Please forgive typos because wine.)

Anyway.  I'm not here to talk about my bathing suit; I am here to catch up.  I never plan to go this long without blogging, but sometimes life gets in the way.  My sister moved in, completely destroying my way of life.

That's not true at all.  It has been the smoothest, easiest transition ever.  Truth be told, it didn't even feel like a transition ... it kinda felt like she's always been here.  (Not unlike a barnacle.)  We're so similar in our temperaments, interests, giggle habits, etc.  It's like we're siblings or something.  Weird.  She is gone this weekend, so I am catching up with friends, getting drunk (apparently) and watching "An American Werewolf in Paris" (pronounced "pair-ee", FYI.  'murrica).

Life has been weird lately, man.  Mostly work.  June 30 is my nine-year anniversary at my company.  NINE YEARS, people.  That's nine cat lives or something.  I am in the midst of a lull at work, meaning I have fuck-all to do.  I am trying to do some training and reading up on shit I'm not terribly familiar with, and I just applied to yet another fucking college where I will be getting a Graduate certificate in ... shit.  I don't remember.  Basically IT management or something.  Computer Science shit.   I used to be able to tear a computer down to its base components -- the motherfucking motherboard, ya'll -- and rebuild it, but that was back in my military days and I don't remember that shit now.  Anyway.  I'm rambling because wine, but I'm excited about the classes.  "The more you know..." and all that.

But work.  I hate being bored all day, not contributing.  When I am not productive at work, I don't feel productive in life.  I feel guilty and my brain gets all mushy and I feel ... guilty.  Even thought it's not my fault, guilt.  I wish I could say I don't take my work home with me, but that would be a lie and I am a terrible liar.  The worst.  I know things will get better, but in the meantime... UGH.

So.  Last month's challenge.  Get rid of all the things!  Seriously, guys, it was hands-down, no contest, fo' sho', my favorite challenge so far.  It was so cathartic getting rid of the random shit I have held on to for years because ... nostalgia.  Or something.  Every day I was excited to go through shit and weed out the crap (ok, maybe "excited" is a stretch).  I got rid of WAY more than 30 things and will likely continue to cut the chaff.

A friend asked if my month of "no unnecessary spending" changed how I spend/approach money and ... meh ... not really.  But you know what did?  The fucking month of getting rid of shit.  How did I accumulate so much SHIT?  Why did I ever think I needed so much shit?  It's hard not to get all wrapped around the axle when I look around and think, "My gawd, how much money did I spend on all of this ... stuff."  Makes me want to vomit.  Just a little.  But there's no use regretting shit, right?  What's done is done and all we can ever do is deal with what's in front of us.  There 'here and now' and all that jazz.  I have said "shit" a lot in this post.  I should use other words.

(Man, wine.  I am a lightweight.  I should, like, eat some food or something.)

So did I learn from the experience?  Yeah, for sure.  I mean that shit.  I am not naive enough to say, "I WILL NEVER SHOP AGAIN", but I have vowed that if I buy something new, I have to get rid of something.  I mean that shit.  (I said, "I mean that shit" twice in a few short sentences.  I'm not even going to change it because ... I mean that shit.)

There are not nearly enough pictures in this post.  So here is a picture of my brother, wearing my sunglasses.

Yeah, that's right.

(Sister, I drank all the wine.  I'm sorry.)

(I don't think I'm going to make it to the gym.)

Edit:  If you're wondering about "Peaches" ... I put frozen peaches in my wine as ice cubes because I'm classy like that.

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