Monday, August 27, 2012

Water, Water Everywhere

In about two hours we'll be at Burning Man.  Two hours.  We've spent the last two days shopping, building, organizing, building, and shopping some more.  It has been a non-stop smorgasbord of BM prep.  The amount of time and effort that goes into making this week happen is astounding, but we've done such a good job at delegating that it's never felt overwhelming.  We're exhausted and sore, but so psyched for the week that none of that matters.  

We've got plenty of water, two (free!) comfy couches, food for a small army, a plethora of ridiculous clothes and smiles for days, folks.  Also, I'm currently wearing lots tulle, stripey stuff, leopard print and my hair be blue.  Rock on.

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Thanks for reading and commenting. You da best!