Wednesday, November 14, 2012

People are Weird

Amirite?  People are weird?  For example, have you ever heard of "Cat Breading" or "Breading a Cat"?  Probably not, because it's fucking weird.

Fine, I'll admit it... the first time I saw this I almost peed myself with laughter.
Still, I don't like my cat much and I jump on any chance I get to torture her (vacuum cleaner, broom, getting her groomed to look like a wee, little lion, etc.).

I am not enjoying my haircut, human.
Naturally, when I was introduced to the bizarre world of bread + cats, I took a flying leap onto that yeasty cat-breading wagon.

Kristy prepares the bread for the attack.

I figured the best time to attempt this was when Snickers was engaged in her favorite activity:

"Human, what are you doing?  Stahp!  Do not want bread."
She may be rather zaftig, but she's spry.

And we're done.
And I am left with many scratches, which I probably deserved.
Totally worth it.
I had yummy fancy fig newtons today and a weird chicken potsticker thing that was less tasty than the fig newton.  I am being a bit lame with this whole "try new foods" thing, but there's time yet!  I will do better!

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