Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tater Tots and Tutus

If you read my blog, you probably read other blogs, yeah?  You're not a one-blog-at-a-time reader/girl/guy/girl-guy/robot/zombie are you?  Well, if you don't read The Bloggess' blog, you should.  Go check it out.  I'll wait right here.

You back yet?

You're not going to going to go to The Google and search for it are you?  Lame.  Fine, BAM.  Made it easy for you.  She is delightfully insane and a complete joy to read.  Most of the time.  Sometimes she gets down into The Shit, which honestly, only makes me love her more.  Life ain't all sunshine and twine, folks; it's important to keep things real, ya'll.

(I should add, I am drinking wine wine right now.  Lots of wine.  Wine tastes good.)

(Your face tastes good.)

Why am I talking to you about The Bloggess (and wine) and not meditation?  Simple:  MEDITATING IS HARD AND I HATE IT.  But also, Ms. Bloggess inspired us to Make Things and Be Creative and I want to share said creation with you.  There is a story behind the creation, but I know you won't take the time to read it.  So, here's a recap, you lazy monkeys:

1.  The Bloggess asks Nathan Fillion (sigh) to take a picture of himself holding twine.  (There's a whole story behind that too, mostly involving silliness, but it's too much to type.  STOP BEING LAZY AND CLICK ON THE LINK.)
2.  Nathan Fillion (swoon) completely ignores The Bloggess.
3.  The Bloggess reaches out to her Twitter followers to entice (harass?) Fillion (OMGswoon) to take the damn picture already!
4.  *crickets*
5.  Other famous people chime in and send TB pictures of themselves holding twine and then ... spatulas (I already mentioned the "delightfully insane" bit of all of this, yeah?)

(Side note:  my love of Wil Wheaton knows no bounds and that man deserves an entire post of his very own, which I will likely write some day because I luff him.  LUFF!  Not only is he a Champion of all things Nerdy, Geeky, and Awesome, he's also --and I'm basing this solely on what I have read on his blog/Twitter -- a genuinely decent human being.  And he's pretty cute.  And he totes has an awesome relationship with his sons, which is a beautiful thing to read about.  And!  (No wait, there's more!)  When she asked, he sent The Bloggess a picture of himself collating paper.  Just because.  Listen to Wil, and DON'T BE A DICK, people!)

This made my Comic-Con.

(End of side note)

6.  Still with the *crickets*
7.  Suddenly and inexplicably, TB starts referring to Nathan Fillion (want) as "Nater-Tater", which in turn inspired my curly-haired gal pal, Colleen, to suggest that we make a Nater-Tater out of tater tots (genius!), throw some twine in there, and send it to TB because ... well, fuck it, whatever.  Why not?  We're special.

So that's what we did. 

This picture doesn't help you at all, does it?

This post is just the build-up.  Nater-Tater up next!

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