Friday, May 4, 2012

Ch-ch-ch-chaaanges (pt. 2)

Sometimes my knees hurts.  Sometimes my hips hurts.  Every now and again my lower back hurts.  And sometimes, they all hurt in a symphony of "ugh".  So after years of that, I suddenly had the bright idea, "Perhaps I should go to the doctor?  I've got this health insurance just sittin' around.  Let me knock the dust off that ... health insurance."  So I went to the doctor and now I'm getting physical therapy.  Physical therapist says, "Your shit's all weak and shit.  Imma make it better by torturing you.  You're welcome."

I asked her opinion on my plan to walk 100 miles this month and she was very lukewarm on the idea.  She suggested I start out slow at the beginning of the month -- no hills and no long walks -- and just make it all up at the end.  That seemed hard and stressful come, say, May 15th when I'd only clocked about 10 miles.  So, I made the command decision (just call me Adama) to put off the walking 100 miles until September.  Why September?  Well, my friends, I'll tell you:  I am going to Ireland in December with my lovely friend, Jennie.  We're hiking for, like, 8 or 9 days, so it seems kind of "duh" not to do the 100 miles that month. I think we're walking around 10 or 15 miles a day, so making it to 100 will be easy-breezy.  I'm not going to lie, I feel like it's cheating a little bit to do it that month, but fuck it.  I'm just making this shit up as I go along anyway.

I should also mention I'm a little bit drunk right now.  Wine is delicious.

I should also mention I'm going to Ireland in September, not December, but I'm going to leave that up there to keep you all on your toes.

This is how I drink wine.

I am afraid of the wine I am drinking.
Also, I have giant boobs and one arm.
And you all know I never wear pink.
And my hair is not that long.

Instead of walking a bunch this month, I'll be icing my knees every day, doing a bunch of stretches an' shit and "Getting rid of one thing every day."  Not necessarily "one" thing, but "some"thing(s) every day.  I have a few days to make up now since I made this decision after the month had started, so I'll get rid of five things tomorrow.  I would do it tonight, but did I mention the wine?

Actually, I might do it tonight.  Fuckit.  I will do my best to get rid of something meaningful -- something I have some sort of weird attachment to.  That and just crap I have sitting around that I haven't used or touched in years because I don't know if I can get rid of 31 meaningful things and it'd be nice to just clear out some junk.  For example, I know I have a table under this couch I'm sitting on that I haven't used in more than 10 years.  I'm not evening joking.  I think I can let it go.  I am never going to use that table.

Most things I will likely give to Good Will/Salvation Army, but be on the lookout friends!  I will likely be passing off some of this shit to you, 'cause what else are friends for?

My sister sent me a card and I got it in the mail tonight.  It was very cute.  This is me and the card and the wine.

I am attractive in my post-workout ... glow?

1 comment:

Thanks for reading and commenting. You da best!