Friday, April 27, 2012

Tidbits and Gadgets

Blogger recently updated their user interface.  You guys won't see a difference, but it's scary back here, ya'll.  Why do they do this?  It's not "better", I don't see any "improvements."  Everything is new and different and I feel lost and a little scared.

I'm very uncomfortable with this change.
I am lost in the white.
... Anybody?


It's awful, right?  Couldn't they fill all of that space with sunshine or puppies or .. ooh! Ooh!  Clouds!  Clouds make everything better.  Ok, so they're white too, but they could be big, puffy, gray clouds or regular puffy clouds floating in a sparkling blue sky.  But this?  This ... nothing?  Pfft.  Nay, Blogger.  Nay.

Clouds.  Far superior.

See how much better that looks?  I hope you're paying attention, Google!  Fix it!  Fix it.

But I digress.  The point of this post is, erm, hmm.  To be honest, I, um, I don't know.  I'm volunteering at the USO from 4-8 this evening and it's a bit slow and I'm mostly here "in case shit", so I pulled up ye old Blogger (only to be horrified by the new look) and here we are.  Bored.

Wow.  My bored face looks remarkably similar to my angry face.

How about an "I am trying to think of something to blog about" face?

Weird face is weird.

Moving on...

It's hard to believe April is almost over and May, The Month of Walking, is nigh.  April's challenge went surprisingly well.  Resisting the shopping urge was relatively painless as I quickly found I prefer to keep my money rather than spending it on stupid shit.  Funny, that.  I did make one purchase this month I don't feel bad about.

*begin justification*

I am rarely without a water bottle.  Most tap water tastes like a swimming pool and I do not enjoy drinking water that tastes like a swimming pool.  For some time now, I have been using a Bobble.  Its handy built-in filter takes care of that whole "tastes like a pool" issue.  We got along pretty well for a while, but you have to squeeze the Bobble to get the water out, which means your thirst is quenched one squirt at a time (*sexual innuendo*).  It took the fun out of drinking water. 

Incidentally, I brought my water bottle to Nevis -- as did many folks -- and as the week went on water bottles became community property... mostly because we were lazy and didn't want to leave our comfy chairs/sofas/pool floaties, so we grabbed/requested the nearest bottle.  The request I heard most often was, "Hey, can you hand me any water bottle that isn't Heather's?"  See?  It's not just me.

So, I was in REI the other day picking up a $5 rain poncho for my cousin, Wesley, who is about to head off on a trip to Belize, and strolling by the water bottle section I saw this little guy chilling on an end-cap display.  (You know, where the suckers stop to buy unnecessary things.  Consumerism.)

I make drinking water enjoyable again.

It has a filter!  And a straw!  And a little handle thing!  Exclamation points!  I love it.  I love it so much.  I have been drinking water like ... like ... something that drinks a lot of water.  I have easily tripled my water consumption and subsequently, my trips to the bathroom.

I have to pee all the time now!

Apparently, I have also tripled the number of self-portraits I include in a post.  Look, I'm really bored.  Don't judge me.  If it helps, I felt stupid and awkward taking them, but hey, it's content.

Anyway, I suppose this could be perceived as an unnecessary purchase, but I think drinking water is a necessity and having the appropriate vessel from which to drink is equally important.

*end justification*

In hindsight, I think it would have been wise to have combined "no shopping" with "no eating out."  I spent (spend) an exorbitant amount of money on food.  It would have been interesting to see the state of my checking account at the end of April had I curtailed all spending, but considering I got through the month buying only a water bottle, I'm still feeling a bit flush.  Woo, money.

I'm pretty darn excited about May's challenge.  Walking!  I do that all the time!  I added a new gadget to my blog that will track my mileage and whatnot.  I don't know how it works just yet, but it's there, waiting for me, silently judging my lack of mileage.  Jerk. 

100?  It'll be a cakewalk.
(see what I did there?)

In the next few days I will post a schedule ... that I will probably won't follow at all.  It's good to have a plan though.  Or something.

1 comment:

Thanks for reading and commenting. You da best!