Monday, January 9, 2012

Caution! Something Blatantly Obvious is Directly in Front of You.

To continue the weekend of "Let's do fun things before you go back to school!", Kristy and I brunched (shuddup, it's a verb) with the lovely couple, Jennie and Ari, somewhere on U St Sunday morning.  I had french toast and bacon (and yes, I absolutely dipped my bacon in the syrup.  Why wouldn't you?).  It was amazing.

After stuffing our faces with sugary, fatty awesomeness, and chatting with J & A for a bit, we drove over to Arlington National Cemetery to walk around and enjoy the pretty day (and maybe walk off a bit of said sugary, fatty awesomeness).

The cemetery has incredibly helpful signage throughout:  "Tomb of The Unknowns this way", "John F. Kennedy this way".  This little gem was particularly helpful: 


It smacks of, "We don't want a lawsuit."  Seriously though, why is this sign here?  Did they have a sudden outbreak of tripping incidents?  Did they form a committee to discuss ways to address the "stair problem"?  And why is the sign only on these particular stairs?  Now granted, we didn't cover the entire cemetery on Sunday, but I didn't see this sign warning tourists of impending stair doom anywhere else we wandered that afternoon.  I just want to understand.

Since it's not likely I will ever understand, here is a picture of a remarkable (remarkably creepy?) tree.

Tree of Doom?

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