Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Naked Feet?

No way.  Never.  Naked feet are an abomination.


Perhaps that is a bit dramatic.  I will traipse about with naked feet during the summer, but only when I'm out of my house doing fun things.  Once I'm home, if my shoes are off, socks are going on.  I can live no other way.

I have many to choose from.  One drawer of white-ish athletic, one of ... everything else.

So. Many. Socks.

I have favorites, of course.  Doesn't everyone?  Well, never mind...  I got these beauties for Christmas from my lovely sis-in-law.  They're warm, cozy, and mismatched on purpose, which I find delightful.


I wear these to work a lot (hidden beneath work-appropriate shoes, of course).  They're very "business on top, party on my feet."

It's business time.

I got these in Germany in 2010 and they quickly became my favorite pair (evident by the rather large worn patch at the heel).  I found myself doing unnecessary loads of laundry just to wear them again.

Yes, I'm fully aware that my sock love is a bit absurd.
I'm comfortable with that.  And so are my feet.

Knee socks!

No, I wasn't in my room trying on socks today.  Who would do that?

I like me some thick, please-save-me-from-blisters foot coverings when I get my hike on.  Mmm... wool.

Wool touching any other part of my body is unacceptable.

Finally, when it's time to lay my weary head upon my dreamy-soft pillow, I don my tried-and-true, oh-so-perfect, white Hanes ankle length socks of joy.  They are America's #1 socks, after all.  Says so right on their website.

I love you...

I have tried sleeping without socks and it's ... it's ... just wrong.  I toss and turn, stare at the ceiling, try bunching the sheets around my sad feet, stare at the ceiling some more.  Nothing doing.  I will eventually give in because 1 - I recognize when the battle is lost, and 2 - I'm grumpy and stabby when sleep deprived (or hungry).  Obviously, sleeping sockless is not something I attempt often. 

I'm special.

(Tuesday, Jan 24th)


  1. The burning question in everyone's mind: What is your position (ahem) on sex with socks on? (At first I typed "sex with socks"....oh the silly images that phrase produced.)

  2. I'm glad you asked, Colleen. My preference is to leave them on, but if that is not to my partner's liking, I will remove them upon request. I am ambivalent about the state of my partner’s feet. Naked, socked, whatever.

    Once we enter the “cuddle phase” of the evening (morning, afternoon), I will surreptitiously put my socks on once I find a moment to slink away.

    Boy spoons girl, one arm around waist, the other arm awkwardly shoved beneath pillow, feet entangled …

    Boy: “Wait. When did you put socks on?”

  3. HAHAHAHAHA! I love everything about this.


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