Friday, January 6, 2012

How Does This Happen?

A couple of weeks ago I ordered a book through Amazon and it showed up today.  Yay!  Books! 

AwesomeBooks, indeed!

The package was oddly weightless.  Completely weightless, really.  Did I order a comic book?  A very, very small, thin comic book?  I didn't remember ordering a comic book.  Shit, I don't even read comic books.  What was in there...??
Or not so awesome.

There was nothing in there.  How does this even happen, Shipping Department!?  Did they not notice they were sealing an empty envelope?  Did they think I ordered the essence of the olive oil book?  I assure you, I wanted the book in its entirety.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you emailed amazon your sad face photo!! Crazy!!


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