Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Double Rainbow All the Way!

Colleen told me to google "melted crayon art", so that's what I did.  I do what my friends tell me.  They're smart.  And pretty.  And have great hair. 

Melty goodness.

I thought it'd be a fun project for me and my nieces to do together, but Sarah and I basically took it over, pushing the kids out of the way when they messed with our crayon arrangement.  WE HAVE A VERY SPECIFIC STRATEGY, CHILDREN.  YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING. 

I follow directions good.

Lydia did help a little.

White crayons are the tastiest of the crayons.

The color scheming and gluing were the easy bits.  The next part got a little, um, hot and boring.

The family that melts together, stays together.

First drips.  Hallelujah.

About 15 or 20 minutes into this, our expressions say it all.

Lydia:  Why are we doing this?  It's hot as shit in here.  I'm over it.  Give me a banana.

I don't know how you're supposed to blow dry this stuff and not have it spray everywhere.  But I like the effect, so I'm choosing to pretend I did it on purpose.

... though I guess saying that here just gave it away.  Hmph.

Crayon says, "I will not blow in straight lines."

Still, overall it was a fun venture.  It took us about an hour all said and done and Penny squealed with delight when she left the room saw the finished product.

My flowers lost all of their color.

You cut me open and keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding love...

Snickers is not impressed.


  1. Snickers is your toughest critic.

  2. I love it!!!! What a neat idea and so pretty. So someone gave me an idea for you to use in if you need a creative (bizarre) thought on a slow day: Cat breading. Yes, you read that correctly. Plus the blood Snickers splatters during this project will spur the next project! Kind of like a two for one deal. Shannon


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