Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This is the end, Beautiful friend

January is over already?  How did that happen?  Didn't I start this blog last week?  Where am I?  In the next day or so I will post a January wrap-up, followed soon after by the "rules for February" (that I am still making up). 

Monday's picture was rather "meh", hence its absence from this blog-o-mine.  To make up for the "mehness" of Monday, I made the (3-mile) trek to my Dad's office on Tuesday to take a few pictures around the yard. 

My dad's in the concrete biz, so here's some concrete:

Pervious Concrete.  Not impervious to insults.
These molds are used to form something-or-other concrete blocks that are aged and then broken, testing the strength of the concrete.

I would store socks in here.

There's an old plant on the property, likely used to do things process materials of some sort.  I've always found it a rather striking image, and Mr. M. was kind enough to escort me so I could snap a few pictures.

I'm lucky to have a father who will drop everything to drive me around on a whim.

You'll have to amuse me a bit with this last shot.  There are piles of crap stockpiles of material around the yard, typically stone, sand and crushed concrete, used for doing-something-with-concrete as concrete "ingredients", in the case of the sand and stone; the crushed concrete is an enviro-friendly method of filling in road beds or driveways.

(Quick sidebar:  my dad says he doesn't remember this, but he used to take me to work with him on the weekends now and again and I'd "help" him measure these stockpiles for inventory and whatnot.  I remember feeling very important and special, going to work with daddy.)

It was gorgeously bright and sunny yesterday, which was nice and all, but as a result of said bright sunshine, some of the shots were washed out and blah.  Picasa has a "invert colors" effect.  Not so blah now, eh?

*gasp* It looks like ice!

Immediately, I thought of this:

The Endurance, Ernest Shackleton's ship, trapped in the ice.
Do you see it?  Come on, squint your eyes a little.  Maybe tilt your head the left.  Got it now?  I thought you would.  I may or may not (I totally do) have this picture prominently displayed in my living room.

(In case you were wondering, the strike-outs were what I had written before I called my dad asking for clarification.)

(Tuesday, 31 Jan)


  1. I had typed up this great poetic response from my iPhone but your blog became defensive (and probably jealous) of the Ilsa's power (yes I named the iPhone, I name everything) and deleted my entry as soon as I clicked submit....several times. Anyway from my iPad the jist of it was as February is creative/make something month, will we (your adoring captivated amazed audience) still see updates and pictures of your creations? Inquiring minds want to know...and I do as well. Don't keep us in the dark! Inform us! Congrats on finishing one month in your yearlong goal!

  2. Oh yeah this was Shannon. iPad has failed me now as well. FAIL


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