Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feed Me!

I went to the see the dentist this morning.  I didn't enjoy it.  In fact, I feel pretty strongly that I am deserving of a cupcake after facing the trauma, horror and injustice of time spent in the Chair of Doom.  Cupcakes make everything shiny and full of rainbows again.  Sometimes there are unicorns.  Who fart glitter.

This is what a fairly typical dentist's office looks like:

Sterile, but unoffensive.

And this is what I imagine when I step into the building:

Dude, can I at least get some Nitrous first?

Sprinkles in Georgetown.  Red Velvet cupcake.  I want to go to there.

P.S.  My dentist is not using proper chainsaw form or technique.  And he has forearms of steel.
P.P.S.  I wasn't actually dressed like a slightly peppier version of Freddy Krueger... though I am wearing a sweater with stripes and I am exactly that pale.

1 comment:

  1. The important thing is that the dentist has comfortable feet.


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