Saturday, February 4, 2012


Day one of being creative elicited laughter, but not much in the way of actual art.  I consider myself to be an autodidact of sorts -- in some areas anyway.  Art?  Not turning out to be one of those areas.  Look!  I have a special pencil and an eraser I can't stop smelling, and a book and a fancy sketch pad.  (I look like I'm angry and/or annoyed in both of those pictures, but I was actually feeling quite chipper.  Awkward self-portraits.)

And yet...


And yet...

Nope, nope, nope.

I gave up on the damn clouds (as you can see) and colored a picture instead:

Color in the lines?  Oh, I can so do that.

I'm not ready to throw in my drawing towel quite yet (in fact, I'm pretty mad at it and want to show it who's boss), but I am having a difficult time coming up with ideas for being creative outside of my "arts and crafts" box.  I need another box.  I do have a few things on my list that aren't necessarily hot glue gun or crayon-related, but I am open to other suggestions.  Got any for me?  Anything you'd like to see me attempt?  I am here for your entertainment, people!  Let me entertain you.

I spent quite a lot of time putting a fancy email button on my blog yesterday, please feel free to use it, if for no other reason than to make me feel better about the two-ish hours I spent trying to make two lines of HTML code work properly (thank you, brother-o-mine).  Let that time not have been in vain.

... of course most of you reading this blog are my friends and family and already have my email address.  Whatever.  Use the button anyway.

1 comment:

  1. It kind of looks like a giant storm is getting ready to invade Australia in your cloud picture. I like it! Picasso Geography Class. I wanna see one of those paint-by-number thingies. How about getting some beads and wire and making sparkly fun jewelry for a family member? Shannon


Thanks for reading and commenting. You da best!